Just a note to let you know our range of 6mmWW2 US infantry is now available in the shop and a quick picture from the painter desk of some of the prior to proper photos.
US320 US WW2 Infantry NCO , Grenadier & M3 SMG (6 figures, 2 of each type)
US321 US WW2 Infantry Browning BAR firing prone(3) walking (3)
US322 US WW2 Infantry command (1 x RTO & 2 x different Officers)
US323 US WW2 Infantry 0.3” Browning team (3 x 2 man team)
US324 US WW2 Infantry 0.5” Browning team (1 MG and 3 crew)
US325 US WW2 Infantry M19 Light Mortar ( 3 x 2 man team )
US326 US WW2 Infantry M1 81mm mortar & crew (1 mortar and 3 crew)
US327 US WW2 Infantry Bazooka team (3 x 2 man team)
US328 US WW2 Infantry Flamethrower M2 (5 figures)
US329 US WW2 Infantry Minedetector SCR625 (5 figures)
US330 US WW2 Infantry with demo charge on pole (5 figures)
US331 US WW2 Infantry with detonation plunger (5 figures)
US332 US WW2 Infantry gun crew kneeling (3 figures)
US333 US WW2 Infantry gun crew standing (4 figures)
US334 US WW2 Infantry Medic walking w/ folding stretcher (5 figures)
US335 US WW2 Infantry sniper prone (5 figures)
US336 US WW2 Infantry spotter (5 figures)
US337 US WW2 Infantry with rifles & Thompson (5 different figures)
US338 US WW2 Infantry 0.3” Browning M1917A1 water cooled team (1 MG and 3 crew)
US339 US WW2 Infantry M2 4.2" mortar & crew (1 mortar and 3 crew)
USR005 US WW2 Infantry approx. 50 figures
USR006 US WW2 Infantry support approx. 50 figures & equipment